Sunday, December 4, 2011


My last comments for kids post was done by a young student that wrote a halloween story about an evil vampire. The vampire went on to steal all of the kids candy. Then all of the kids revolted and decided to confront the vampire to retrieve their candy. The vampire then caved in and everyone shared the candy to have a happy halloween after all.

After reading the rest of this story I thought that he showed a lot of creativity. Having made up this story from his own imagination and slingshotting it to have a happy ending was great. My comment let him know this as i told him to continue to stay creative.

Another one of my final C4K post went to a little girl that had stage fright. She was terrified to have to preform a speech in front of her class and gave her anxiety. My comment was about telling her the importance of public speaking. Many jobs now require you to speak in front of a group and it does get easier with time. So you have to try to relax and find a comfort zone to talk to a group of people.

My last C4T comment was done on a facebook group for teachers. I commented on one of their most recent post about the top ten reasons to use and learn about technology in the classroom. I commented on how I am in edm310; a class focused directly on technology. I have learned far more than I ever dreamed of and can finally honestly say that I see the importance of using and learning technology. I now agree that technology should be used in every classroom around America.

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