Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog #9


In Mr. McClung’s first post entitled “What I’ve Learned This Year 2008-2009”, I actually learned more about teaching. He shows how a new teacher basically has to start from scratch with no experience and learn their selves how to become a successful teacher. Communication is definitely a key to becoming a good teacher. You must be able to communicate in a way to where you can reach a student to be able to properly teach them. I believe a teacher should push a student to reach their maximum potential and to be the best teacher you can you should put yourself in the student’s shoes to see how they would learn best. It is not about how a teacher gives a lesson but rather how well they are able to make the students understand and comprehend it. But it is also important to encourage your students rather than scold them. If a student receives constant criticism then they might begin to lower their standards to avoid disappointing themselves.
In Mr. McClung’s second post “2009-2010”, he definitely learned more about teaching. He seemed to learn that by changing his ways of teaching he was able to reach his whole class since not all people learn efficiently the same way. He noticed that busy work was not the key for learning. I personally think if you can communicate and get the class interesting in a class debate then it will give the biggest impact to the students. It is always important to love what you teach or you may find it very difficult yourself to want to teach the material at a desired level every day. After all we are all able to learn more every day. Even teachers are still learning so it is important to keep an open mind set and be open to ideas from students and teachers alike. The more we learn will only improve us as a person and as an educator as well. Both of Mr. McClung’s post had a number of valuable points but equally as important it showed us what we should expect when we reach our goals and become teachers as well.


  1. Is Mr. McClung in your PLN? He should be! You should do a reflection like this every year as well. Even while you are in school!

    Reflect about the good and bad and getting better. Just like Mr. McClung!

  2. Hey Noah,
    I agree with you about Mr. McClung. His blog post were very helpful and he made some really good points about being a first year teacher. Communication is the key to success. Without communication it will be hard to get anywhere in life, especially if you are teaching students.
